Mapa da investigação publicada sobre administração em África
Administração, África, InvestigaçãoResumo
Conhecer o caminho percorrido é um passo importante para poder distinguir o que falta percorrer. Correspondendo a essa ideia, este estúdio busca analisar as investigações realizadas por pesquisadores da ciência administrativa no continente africano. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo bibliométrico, a partir de uma análise das publicações em Ciências Administrativas de pesquisadores do continente relatadas na Scopus. Uma vez revisado 100% dessas publicações, ele trabalhou com 86.8% delas definindo as funções ou áreas de conhecimento onde se desenvolveu, da mesma maneira se analisou a evolução temporal, assim como as áreas e países onde se desenvolveu. Além disso, alguns elementos relacionados aos vínculos de colaboração entre os países são caracterizados de acordo com o desenvolvimento da estúdio, os principais periódicos onde os resultados da pesquisa foram publicados e o comportamento dos autores com maior número de publicações.
Aguilar Gordon, F.D.R., & Heredia Guzmán, P.A. (2019). Fundamentos y Desafíos de la Calidad en la Educación Superior Ecuatoriana. En Aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior: Debates y experiencias (pp. 77-94). Consejo de Aseguramiento de la calidad de Educación Superior.
Baldwin, A., Shen, G. Q., & Brandon, P. (2009). Introduction: Collaborative construction information management - evolution and revolution. En G. Shen, P. Brandon & A. Baldwin (Eds), Collaborative Construction Information Management (pp. 1-17. Routledge.
Batista-dos-Santos, A.C., Alloufa, J.M.L., & Nepomuceno, L.H. (2010). Epistemology and methodology for critical researches in management: Approximate readings of Horkheimer and Adorno. RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, 50(3), 312-324.
Benzaquen, J., & Charles, V. (2022). A stratified bootstrapping approach to assessing the success of TQM implementation in Peruvian companies. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 33(1-2), 178-201.
Bisgaard, S. (2007). Quality management and Juran's legacy. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 23(6), 665-677.
Callaghan, C. (2018). Contemporary insights from Social Sciences Theory: Implications for Management. South African Journal of Business Management, 48(4), 35-45.
da Costa, A.S.M., Barros, D.F., & Martins, P.E.M. (2010). Historical perspective in management: New objects, new problems, new approaches. RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, 50(3), 288-299.
Felix, R. (2003). A proposed taxonomy of management systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 20(1), 21-29.
Feldman, J. A. (2018). An archival review of preferred methods for theory building in follower research. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 21(1).
Felzensztein, C., Crick, D., González-Pérez, M.A., Jurado, T., & Etchebarne López, M.S. (2020). Capabilities and the internationalisation of smaller-sized, service-oriented firms in the southern hemisphere. Journal of Strategic Marketing.
Ferrer, J.C. (2021). Epistemología Emergente en la Construcción Teórica del Conocimiento. Una Visión Antrópica. Negotium, Revista Científica Electrónica de Negocios, 17(50), 49-63.
Gamero, H., & Ostos, J. (2020). Revisión sistemática de literatura sobre factores clave en la identificación de oportunidades de negocio. Retos, Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 10(20), 307-327.
Guerra Betancourt, K., de Zayas Pérez, M.R., & González Guitián, M.V. (2013). Bibliometric analysis of publications related to innovation projects and their management in Scopus, 2001-2011. Revista Cubana de Informacion en Ciencias de la Salud 24(3), 281-294.
Hamid, S.R., Isa, S., Cheong, C.B., & Altun, A. (2019). Quality Management Evolution from the Past to Present: Challenges for Tomorrow. Organizacija, 52(3), 157-186.
Horgan, J. (1993). Profile: Paul Karl Feyerabend – The Worst Enemy of Science. Scientific American, 268(5), 36-37.
Ibarra-Colado, E. (2008). Is there any future for critical management studies in Latin America? Moving from epistemic coloniality to trans-discipline. Organization, 15(6), 932-935.
Jordaan, Y., Wiese, M., Amade, K., & de Clercq, E. (2013). Content analysis of published articles in the South African journal of economic and management sciences. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 16(4), 435-451.
Jurado Jurado, J.C. (2018). Autoridad. Derivaciones conceptuales de las teorías de la administración: Derivaciones conceptuales de las teorías de la administración”. Cuadernos de Administracion, 31(56), 81-104.
Kuhn, T.S, Rosenfeld, L., Petersen, A., & Rudinger, E. (1962). Last interview with Niels Bohr by Thomas S. Kuhn, Leon Rosenfeld, Aage Petersen, and Erik Rudinger at Professor Bohr's Office. American Institute of Physics.
Lakatos, I. (1983). La metodología de los programas de investigación científica. Alianza Editorial.
Mandujano-Salazar, Y. (2021). East Asian studies in Latin America and its potential contributions for an improved inter-regional business understanding. Telos, Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales, 23(3), 710-727.
de Mattos, P.L.C.L. (2009). Is management science or art? What can we learn from this misunderstanding? RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, 49(3), 349-360.
Metwally, E. K., & Nyathi, N. (2017). Organizing the Africa Academy of Management 2016 Conference: Chairs’ Reflections. Africa Journal of Management, 3(1), 17-25.
Ngulube, P., & Ngulube, B. (2015). Mixed methods research in the South African journal of economic and management sciences: An investigation of trends in the literature. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 18(1), 1-13.
Obedgiu, V. (2017). Human resource management, historical perspectives, evolution and professional development. Journal of Management Development, 36(8), 986-990.
Oliveira, R.R., & Martins, H.C. (2019). Project management office performance: Divergence of the perceptions between academic instruction and professional experience. Innovar, 30(75), 119-134.
Oña-Sinchiguano, B.E. (2020). Teoría de la Contingencia y Teoría de Costos en sectores económicos vulnerables. Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria KOINONIA, 5(4), 706-716.
Ormazabal, M., Rich, E., Sarriegi, J.M., & Viles, E. (2017). Environmental management evolution framework: maturity stages and causal loops. Organization and Environment, 30(1), 27-50.
Paucar-Caceres, A., & Jerardino-Wiesenborn, B. (2020). A bridge for two views: Checkland’s soft systems methodology and Maturana’s ontology of the observer. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(4), 660-672.
Popper, K.R. (1980). La lógica de la investigación científica. 5ta ed. Editorial Tecnos.
Pozo Curo, C., Ruiz Nizama, J.L., Vigo Ayasta, E.R., & Flores Canto, F. (2020). Tendencias gerenciales en las organizaciones: una mirada teórica. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 25(91), 1095-1113.
Queiroz, M.M., Wamba, S.F., Machado, M.C., & Telles, R. (2020). Smart production systems drivers for business process management improvement: An integrative framework. Business Process Management Journal, 26(5), 1075-1092.
Rezende Oliveira, R., & Cordeiro Martins, H. (2019). Project management office performance: Divergence of the perceptions between academic instruction and professional experience. Innovar, 30(75), 119-134.
Samán Chingay, S.N., Mendoza Alfaro, W.I., Miranda Guerra, M.P., & Esparza Huamanchumo, R.M. (2022). Resiliencia y competitividad empresarial: Una revisión sistemática, período 2011-2021. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 28(3), 306-317.
Shen, W., Hu, D., Günay, E.E., & Okudan Kremer, G.E. (2020). Evolution of supply chain management: A sustainability focused review. International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, 4(2-4), 319-335.
Silva, F.P, de Freitas, L.S., Cândido, G.A., Santos, D.B., Santos, D.A.d.S, & Macedo, L.O.B. (2016). Modelos Teóricos de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e Performance Social Corporativa: uma análise desde a década de 1950 a 2000. Revista Espacios, 37(2), 11.
Thaichon, P., Liyanaarachchi, G., Quach, S., Weaven, S., & Bu, Y. (2019). Online relationship marketing: evolution and theoretical insights into online relationship marketing. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 38(6), 676-698.
Wu, W., Liang, Z., Zhang, Q., & Zhang, H. (2020). Coupling relationships and synergistic mechanisms between technology management capability and technological capability in product innovation: a simulation study. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 32(9), 1098-1112.
Zanon, L.G., Ulhoa, T.F., & Esposto, K.F. (2021). Performance measurement and lean maturity: congruence for improvement. Production Planning and Control, 32(9), 760-774.
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